Well it's been a blur of a month.
Here's July by the numbers:
14 Paintbrushes
5 Colours of paint
4 giant blue tarps
600 sq feet of new flooring
6 Days of painting
12 straight days of renovations
7 kids farmed out to Day Camp
3 giant pillars
20 rice paper balls of assorted sizes
3 kinds of drills
2 lost drill bits (sorry Carolyn!)
3 significant work-related injuries
11 trips to Home Hardware
5 cases of pop
1 fake wall (and the arguments that ensued! lol!)
20 curtain panels
4 cans of textured enamel paint
3 days of chicken pad thai
1 late night trip to IKEA
4 leather-'esque' chairs
1 wii console with 3 remotes ;)
and last but not least
6 amazing friends who made this month bearable.
To Jennifer, who suffered the greatest party injury, and I am not sure she will ever recover the former splender of her unmarked thigh area....thank you!
To Warren who hauled his ass up a 14 foot incline to paint my overhang a glossy, jet-black in 90 degree heat.....thank you!
To The Lynn's (McColl and Vanderherberg)... thank you for everything...you guys are amazing!
To Trisha....you are an awesome friend, and you are crazy talented with design! You made it look so great, and I still can't believe how quickly it all came together. From the first night at soccer when I was in full meltdown mode, to my proud return from New York where you totally WOW'ed me with the 'grand reveal'! Your vision is something I am so proud of today. Thankyou!!!!
And last but not least...to my assistant Carolyn: You painted, sanded, painted again, cut-in, cut-out, hammered, sawed and worked like a woman possessed! There isn't a square inch of my studio that doesn't have some effort of yours on my behalf. You are a true friend, and an amazing person and I would have never got through all that work without you. I can't thank you enough!!!!
So, without further adieu, here it is....my baby, my sweat and tears, the culmination of my 5 year plan....my new studio location. :)

Please feel free to drop by if you are in the area to say hello, or to have a tour.
Watch for grand opening specials later this month!