Wednesday, July 11, 2007

A Sad Welcome Home

Last Sunday night, I did something that I've been wanting to do since I first realized it was being done, but that I had hoped would not happen again. I spent an hour waiting on an overpass bridge for the 6 soldiers' bodies repatriated from Afghanistan. It was a truly unbelievable experience being there. For the hour that we waited, nearly every single car that passed by us honked, waved, and showed signs of support to us, as we waved on the bridge, as the flags waved.

We were there as a sign of respect, of mourning, of Patriotism. I have never felt more proud to be a Canadian, and to experience this very sad, very proud caravan. The local firefighters from Cramahe township were there in full uniform, with the fire truck, representing our county. It was a very warm, windy night, and when the line of cars in the procession made its way down the 401, it was a very moving experience. We mourned for the soldiers and their familes, and for all of those soldiers that have been lost in the conflict since it began.

Two photos that really moved me....

If you are able to do this, and I pray that the opportunity doesn't arise again, but if it does, I hope you will consider joining me, and thousands like me who will be going to the bridges to welcome our fallen soldiers home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A couple of weeks ago I drove from Cobourg to Toronto behind a soldier that was returning. I experienced the same feelings as you did as I drove behind and watched people wave, other firemen and police officers salute. It was very moving to watch and experience it all. Yes, we should be proud to be Canadians and never forget to honor those who have given the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.